Freedom and Responsibility
How Is freedom defined? Commonly, we associate this word with independence that is a free person can do as he want with no obstruction or limitation. if a person can spend his time and money in any manner he please, then we say he is free. And this is said in an absolute or unlimited way. but is there really such thing as absolute freedom? here are what some philosophers have to say: St. Augustine believes that the human will is good if it pursues things of eternal life of virtue and love of others. But it turns to evil if it follows evil stuff like vices and succumbs to temptations.This is the most basic christian teaching on free will. This is still followed by many theologians but currently with a lot of considerations and Adaptation since our society has evolved a lot. while to christian thinker this is already a satisfactory standard of how freedom works a mystery of the human nature remains to be solved.When one is amply fed with knowledge of what is right, why does he still commit evil like sin? st. Thomas Aquinas has an answer for that. He goes back to the supreme faculties of intellect and will. the intellect, he says, may be full of known facts but the will still judges on the more appealing choice even if our knowledge runs contrary to to that choice, For instance, one who is diabetic patient,still savors a bottle of soft . drink despite the doctor's scientific advice that taking it will worsen the person's health. Between the doctor's word and the ice-cold refreshment, the bottled drink prevails many human situations run parallel, evil is a blind faculty and needs to be constantly educated and trained by the intellect. if not, evil triumphs. these two early catholic thinkers were in agreement that true and wise use of freedom lies only in choosing good. It is so because God gifted us this freedom, and out of gratitude with His will (Which we call the Divine Will). Choosing evil is a waste of God's gift to us. But still we and free and will never be dictated by the Almighty God. But as stated earlier, We have to squarely face the consequences of what we choose to do, This is the nature of anything one does that he fully knows and that he fully wills. Such is called a human act. This is the only act that is adjudged as acceptable or moral. or unacceptable or immoral, Thus , saving a life knowingly and willfully is immoral. Doing any of the two acts while in the state of sleep (unknowingly) or at immoral at all. Human acts are Free act and are therefore within the bounds of human responsibility.